what happened?

You ever get that push to get things done?  To get on your grind?  To make shit happen?  This summer that was 100000% me!  Why?  Because I had no job and no source of income, HOWEVER, I DID have a child to take care of.  I couldn't ask for money.  I couldn't borrow it.  So, I got my ass on the grind and made shit happen.  In the last few weeks, that has flown straight out the window.

In the last few weeks, I've gone back to working a 9-5 in a classroom of 3-5 year olds, I've started school to be more marketable in the event I need to stay in a 9-5 for a while and I've taken on an extra-curricular activity to stay active/relieve stress.  The result.... I stopped making shit happen.  I got lazy.  I got complacent.

I got back to that place that made me complacent in a dead end job.  I got back to that place that had me taking on more than I should.  I got back to that busy place that I've learned growing up, as the way I should be.  And because of it, lots of things I love have suffered.

My blog, my business, my craft.... ALL....suffered!  I let a steady paycheck and complacency do that to me.  I stopped being on my hustle and grind.  I let all the distractions get in my way.  I stopped focusing on what matters to me for the long term.  Hell, I'm even writing this blog post late and still have homework to do.

Usually when I get overwhelmed and complacent at the same time, I just freeze.  I stop doing the things I've committed myself to do.  I'm not unlike most people when it comes to that.  It's just not who I am to the core.  It's not me to leave things undone.  To leave things half ass.  It's just not me.  But it's who I've allowed myself to become.

I'm going to stop making excuses.  I mean, let's be real.  It's all just an excuse when shit isn't getting done.  It's time to put my big girl panties on and GRIND!  Part of being an entrepreneur is doing just that. GRIND! GRIND! GRIND!  I just have to stay focused and keep what's important in the forefront.

My future is clear and it's bright.  It's just time to get off my lazy ass and ....



SN:  I was too lazy to promote the contest, so there was no winner (yeah, didn't even announce that on time either.)  Ok- time to stop beating myself up and just get back up on my feet and get it right!  Thank God for second chances!!!


  1. Love the positive attitude, I'm sure big things are on the horizon for you! :)

  2. Sabrena, I can totally sympathize with you on this! I used to work a corporate job and I honestly didn't give myself, my business, nor my family 100%. The best part of this is that you SEE it now! Get on a roll and make a schedule for yourself and your weekly goals list. :)
