
I haven't blogged in probably a week.  My intention is to keep this blog up to date and as a record of my growth as an artist, mom, woman.  It's to serve as a chronicle of sorts to showcase my talents and even be a fuel for new business.  I intended to do very specific blog posts MWF each week.  Let's be real.... that shit ain't happening!  I mean really! lol

So, I'm going to be authentic and stick with ONE thing I'm really trying to accomplish with this blog.  GROWTH.  Will that growth come in the form of posts on MWF or a schedule of very specific blog posts?  Maybe.  Will it document my growth as a photographer and designer.  I surely hope so.  Will it showcase my growth as a woman and mother?  That I'm certain of.

In being real and authentic, there will be times I just get delayed.  For instance, this last week, I started design school, flag football practice, my full-time job as a teacher transitioning in a new class and getting things together for my son as he starts school next week.  That's not to add on to the design work I already have in the pipeline for clients AND working on things for my shop.

I know this is a bit, but it's real.  It's authentic as HAYLE!  It's me.  Can't get more simple than that.

That piece up there above, is a growth of sorts.  My two design classes are going great.  They're introductory for me, although I already do design, however it's pushing me to design outside of my norm.  Thinking outside of the box.  Designing more creatively.  I'm loving it!

So, here's to growth!  *yes, raise your damn glass*  ;-)  May she forever be present for us all to have that #kickass life we all deserve!!!!



  1. Hopefully you'll be able to blog often as you wish and here's the growth!

  2. Cheers to growth and self-development!

  3. Growth...great word. Someone should always look for growth as a person. I love reading your blogs because you always say something real within your posts.

    1. Thanks so much Leon! It's my mission to give people a real sense of who I am. I'm so glad you're enjoying it!
